Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Alice Vander Vennen workshop

The Group of Eight hosted Alice Vander Vennen for a workshop in March of this year. Her methods are inspiring and how she processes and moves through her creation was fascinating for me. I find that my methods of selecting materials to use is very similar to Alice's. What I'm using in my work needs to speak to me on a spiritual level for the piece to come together. This is why it takes me quite some time from start to finish in most cases when creating. Everyone in the workshop produced multiple pieces and I currently have another piece on my table waiting for completion someday.

This piece was created using my own oil painting at the bottom, a painted and stressed dryer sheet, hand made paper, misc fabric scraps, a shell from Ireland and a wild grape vine collected from my garden. Alice encouraged me to use a piece of her copper which she had gently heated for the multiple colour combination effect. This was all hand stitched and framed within the class.

"Feather" was created due to a conversation I had with Alice. She has never been successful using a feather in any of her work. Alice felt that using a feather would in some way limit the piece to being only about a feather...that is of course if I have her understanding right. With that in mind I just had to make something with a feather. I collect feathers when they are offered, presented to me by nature. I absolutely love them. There is something so delicate yet strong about them.
This framed piece was made with scraps of fabric, art cloth that I made with burned the edges, wild grape vine from my garden and a "Feather" that had been offered to me by nature.

Special thanks to Alice for a wonderful day, her inspiration and her gifts of sharing will be long remembered.

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