Sunday 17 February 2013

Valentine ATC

This is an ATC that I did for the Group of Eight exchange last week. I was struggling for an idea so I decided to do the Valentine theme. I'm really not one for the commercial crap and pressure of these types of holidays so I decided to do "Love Life".  It started off as art cloth that I painted, beaded & waxed. I attached a piece of melted sheet protector in the shape of an L. Whenever I'm struggling for an idea, I always end of reaching for some of the art cloth that I already have on hand. I'm really into texture right now so it's a great way for me to start. Then everything seems to come together quickly. I already had the melted sheet protector as well.


  1. Sometimes playing with fire is very effective. I hadn't realized the L was made from a melted sheet protector. How cool! I'm glad I got it in the exchange!

  2. My first thought was, "But you hate valentines..."
