Thursday, 7 July 2016


This work was completed in May 2015 and never posted. I've been away from the blogging scene for many reasons.
This work was inspired by a friend that made a Bojagi piece after viewing an art installation at a local Fibre art show. It's a Korean technique that I researched after seeing what my friend had made.

The Group of Eight's quarterly challenge was that we needed to use something that was embroidered.
I was not currently working on anything that was embroidered and haven't for a very long time. It's very time consuming and therefore almost never comes into my mind for anything related to my artwork.
I did, however, have many squares made many years ago...probably prior to 15 years, somewhere in my unfinished projects. I knew I would never use them for anything else and I certainly wasn't going to complete the medallion that they were supposed to surround....
I decided that I would make a bojagi center and surround them with the embroidered squares. I thought this would make a wonderful duvet cover for my bed. Once I started I knew I just wanted to get the damn thing done so I ended up making a table cloth. In some ways a waste of all the hours of embroidery along with the hours spent making the bojagi center. But I did complete it and I do like it very much. I think it's a contemporary feel to an old art.

The following pictures are the embroidered squares that were placed around the Bojagi center. Each square is done twice for a total of twelve embroidered pieces.

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